Nawal Bashimam is the Chief Assistant of the Early Representation Unit. Mrs. Bashimam graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from University of Georgia and a Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies from Nova Southeastern University and went on to attend St. Thomas University School of Law where she graduated cum lade with her Juris Doctorate in 2015. Mrs. Bashimam started at the Broward Public Defender’s Office in 2016. She has practiced in many different divisions including the Public Defender Academy, Juvenile, Felony and Major Crimes. Mrs. Bashimam is the recipient of the Florida Criminal Defense Lawyers, Miami Division, “Against All Odds” award as well as the Broward Association of Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Harry Gulkin Memorial award.
The Early Representation Unit provides legal representation for newly arrested defendants in First Appearance Court 365 days a year. Our dedicated attorneys handle the unfiled cases following first appearance court, investigating the allegations made by law enforcement, litigating motions before the court, conducting legal research and engaging the State of Florida’s criminal case filing attorneys. We also advocate to ensure that our incarcerated clients receive appropriate medical and mental health care and are treated with dignity and respect while housed in the Broward County Jail.